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Landscape Art Charrette: Stone Mountain  [Photoshop CS5]

The Modern Face of 

a Mountain


[A Symbol of Sustainability]

The structures alongside the mountain are invisioned as viewing platforms the  made up of highly reflective materials. The desire was to interact with the natural monument without destroying it. From within looking out it allows a variety of new stationary views that can currently only be seen while ascending the mountain. From a distance these reflective blocks make perform as transparencies in the mountain.  A message symbolizing what our non-sustainable use of natural resources really is. These "absent" areas could never truly be replaced. Every gesture should be made with proper intent as if it can never be unmade.  The reason I chose a mountain was its natural process. From the point where magma hardens and tectonic plates converge, a mountain only begins to break down and weather. As a natural process wind, rain, and plants begin to wear it down. The mountain itself will never be at its peak again. It will only shrink. This is much like our natural resources and the way we consume them. Weather it is our over fishing the seas, over harvesting our forests, or the rate at wich we consume our oils and minerals, they will never be at thier peak again. The only thing we can do is to slow our rate of consumption and put much more thought into our actions when before we make them.  Ignorance is no longer an acceptable excuse for our lack of concern.



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